Heartland Ranch USA reserves the right to change your dog’s type of boarding/day camp, and/or to provide or decline additional services, if it is necessary to protect the health and well-being of your dog, other dogs, or our staff. (Additional charges may apply.)
Bring with Your Dog at Heartland Ranch USA
- Dog food: We have a dedicated dog refrigerator if your dog’s food requires refrigeration. If your dog
has a complicated feeding requirement, please pre-make individual servings using zip-lock bags. Please
clearly mark all food items with your dog’s first and last name. It is a good idea to bring extra food, in
case your travel plans change.
Please make sure dry food is in an airtight container. Please use an appropriately sized container for
the length of your dog’s stay. In other words, please do not bring a 50-lb container for a 3-day stay. - Medication: Heartland Ranch USA will administer any medications your dog may need. Please provide
us with detailed instructions. - Treats: We supply treats, but feel free to send along your dog’s favorite treat.
- Collar with name and phone: Please make sure your dog has a properly fitting collar on with a name
tag and phone number. Please make sure the collar is snug enough so that the dog cannot slip out of
it. We cannot accept a dog without a collar and name tag with current contact information. - Leashes: Once we have received your dog, please take your leash back home. They have a way
of disappearing here. - Toys: Feel free to bring a blanket or toy with the understanding that it may get destroyed or you may
not get it back. - Beds: Please do not bring a bed for your dog. We have plenty of beds here that are sized
appropriately for the different spaces. All beds get washed and sanitized after every guest leaves. - Labeling: Anything that you bring for your dog should be labeled with their first and last name.
All dogs must be current on the following vaccinations:
- Rabies
- Bordetella
- Distemper/Parvo
- All dogs must be current on flea and heartworm prevention programs.
- If your dog exhibits any symptoms that suggest illness, such as sneezing, coughing, wheezing, runny eyes or nose, vomiting, lethargy, or diarrhea, please do not bring it to Heartland Ranch.
- Any medical conditions that need treatment while your dog is in our care will be at the dog owner’s expense.
- We treat dogs with flea or tick problems at the owner’s expense.
- We do accept unneutered males and unspayed females for boarding. If your female dog is currently in heat or expected to come into heat, please do not bring her to Heartland Ranch USA for boarding. Heartland Ranch USA is not responsible for accidental breedings. Owners whose dog comes into heat while boarding must pick up their dog immediately. If owners cannot do so, there will be an extra daily charge of $30.00.
Rates and Registration
- Please call us at 915-455-1948 for current rates and hours of operation. Heartland Ranch USA reserves the right to adjust its service rates and fees without notice.
- Reservations for boarding or training will be booked and confirmed via email once Heartland Ranch USA receives payment.
- After hours Check-in and Check-out may be available for an additional charge.
- If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from picking up your dog at the specified time, please notify Heartland Ranch USA as soon as possible to make suitable care and feeding arrangements.
- Changing a dog’s diet can upset a dog’s stomach. Please bring your dog’s food in a sealed and labeled container. Please bring more than enough for your dog’s entire stay. If your dog requires a special diet and the supply you provided is exhausted during your dog’s stay, Heartland Ranch USA will make every effort to procure the same or similar brand on your behalf. We charge customers for the quantity purchased and a procurement fee.
- If your dog is on medication and/or vitamin supplements, please bring more than enough of each or your dog’s entire stay. If the supply of medications or supplements you provided is exhausted during your dog’s stay, Heartland Ranch USA will make every effort to procure essential medications only. We charge customers for the quantity purchased and a procurement fee.
- Heartland Ranch USA is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal item, including bedding or toys, left with or for your dog(s).
Failure to Pickup
Unless otherwise required by applicable law, if you fail to pick up your dog(s) by the designated time and have failed to make satisfactory alternative arrangements with Heartland Ranch USA, Heartland Ranch USA will continue to provide basic service to ensure the dog’s health and safety, and charges will continue to accrue. Heartland Ranch USA will make its best efforts to contact you using the information you provided, advising you that if your dog(s) is not picked up within a reasonable time period, your dog(s) will be deemed abandoned. Labeling your dog “abandoned” means that Heartland Ranch USA will deliver the dog(s) to a third-party adoption partner or Dona Ana County Animal Control, and you may lose ownership of your dog(s) under these circumstances. If you fail to pick up your dog(s) for any reason, you release Heartland Ranch USA from all further liability and responsibility for your dog(s). However, you should be aware that you shall remain liable to Heartland Ranch USA for all unpaid charges, including — without limitation — the court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in collecting such charges.
***Representations and WAIVERS OF LIABILITY***
I have read and understood the following:
- I agree that I am the owner (or designated agent of the owner) of the dog(s) and am fully authorized to enter this agreement.
- I understand and agree that Heartland Ranch USA relies on my representations of my dog’s (dogs’) health and behavior. I further understand and agree that Heartland Ranch USA and its staff will not be liable for any health problems that develop. I agree and understand that Heartland Ranch USA reserves the right to deny admittance to my dog(s) at any time for any reason.
- I understand and agree that Heartland Ranch USA will not be liable for any injuries or illnesses that occur to my dog due to my dog’s (dogs’) attendance. If your dog(s) need veterinary care during their stay, I understand it is at my expense.
- I understand that group play involves dogs co-mingling. If I have given permission for my dog (s) to participate in a group activity, I accept that there are risks associated with it. These include but are not limited to, bites, scratches, and injuries. I will not hold Heartland Ranch USA liable for any injuries or even death to my dog (s).
- I understand that Heartland Ranch USA is not a veterinary establishment and does not practice veterinary medicine. I understand and agree that if my dog(s) become ill or injured, or if the dog requires medical attention, Heartland Ranch USA, in its sole discretion, may engage the services of a veterinarian or, administer medicine, or give other requisite attention to the dog. Heartland Ranch USA staff will try to notify me in the event of a severe illness or injury using the contact information I have provided to Heartland Ranch USA. I understand that I am responsible for giving updated contact information. I agree to assume full financial responsibility for any expenses incurred. I release Heartland Ranch USA and its staff from any responsibility for, or claims, damages, or debts arising out of or related to such medical care, including, but not limited to, transportation to/from the veterinary clinic and choice of veterinarian and animal hospital.
- To the best of my knowledge, I certify that my dog (s) has not been exposed to any infectious diseases within the past 30 days. I agree that I will notify Heartland Ranch USA of any known exposure of my dog(s) to contagious diseases, keep my dog(s) out of Day Camp, and provide a veterinary fitness certification for Day Camp to be admitted or re-admitted. I also agree that I will maintain current vaccines for my dog(s) and provide certification upon initial evaluation and periodically as requested.
- I authorize Heartland Ranch USA to obtain medical and vaccination records for my dog(s) from the veterinarian listed. I hereby authorize my veterinarian to provide these records to Heartland Ranch USA.
- I understand that Heartland Ranch will try to contact me to retrieve my dog (s) in an emergency, such as a natural disaster. I agree that Heartland Ranch USA, in its sole discretion, is authorized to transport and/or make temporary alternative arrangements to house and care for my dog (s) until I retrieve my dog (s).
- I understand and agree that my dog(s)may be photographed, videotaped, and/or recorded and that Heartland Ranch USA retains all rights to use and proceeds from using such images.
- I understand that this agreement covers the current relationship between Heartland Ranch USA and me. Each time I bring my dog(s) to Heartland Ranch USA I am affirming the terms of this Agreement and the truthfulness and accuracy of all statements I make in this Agreement.
- I have read and understand this entire Agreement, I have had an opportunity to discuss it to my satisfaction with a representative of my choosing, and I agree to its terms.
Cancellation Policy
Heartland Ranch will provide a 100% credit toward future stays for reservations cancelled at least 7 days in advance. Cancellations with a 2-day advance notice will receive a 50% credit. Reservations cancelled with less than a 2-day advance notice are not eligible for a credit. There are no cash refunds
Hours of Operation
Heartland Ranch USA is open for drop off and pick up Monday through Saturday, 8 am to 6 pm. When you make your reservation online, please select the time of your drop-off and pickup. If you need to change your times or are delayed due to travel conditions, please contact Heartland Ranch USA to discuss your options.
Upon arrival, please park in the circle by the Heartland Ranch USA sign. Once you have arrived, please call us at 915-455-1948, and we will come to your vehicle to assist.
We are closed on Sundays and the following Holidays for drop-off, pickup, and communication with Heartland Ranch USA staff.
- New Years Day
- Christmas Day
- July 4th
- Thanksgiving Day
Tours of our facility are available on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays between 1pm and 6 PM by appointment only.
I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for any acts or behavior of my dog(s) while in the care of Heartland Ranch USA. I release Heartland Ranch USA from any liability arising from my dog’s (dogs’) attendance at Heartland Ranch USA and accept full responsibility for all costs for injury to staff or other animals or damage to facilities caused by my dog(s). I hereby release Heartland Ranch USA of any liability, and I further agree to indemnify and save them harmless against any claims arising from my dog’s (dogs’) attendance at Heartland Ranch USA, including but not limited to all costs, damages, attorney’s fees, expenses and liabilities in connection